Native Village of Kluti-Kaah is a Federally Recognized Tribe that exercises its sovereign authority to conduct the day to day business for the tribal member of Kluti-Kaah to promote the social, economic, and cultural well-being.
All children of Tribal members and are descendants of Tribal members whose names appear on the Department of the Interior base roll are eligible for enrollment. Located in the heart of the Ahtna Region, Kluti-Kaah general population is located at Mile 104 on the old Richardson highway. The exterior boundaries of the Native Village of Kluti-Kaah extend to and include all lands customarily and traditionally used or owned by the Kluti-Kaah native people or the Copper River Area since time immemorial. Native Village of Kluti-Kaah office is located at mile 104 Richardson highway along side the beautiful Kluti-Kaah Memorial hall, adjacent to the office and hall are the clinic, head start and the future multi-purpose facility which will include a full size gymnasium, educational rooms and clinic. Home of the Kluti-Kaah Pounder and Kluti-Kaah Braves baseball teams. |
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